

Best Web Hosting

Best Web Hosting For Small Business  The Top Eight Hosting Providers Last updated on March 25, 2019 By Charlie Carmichael in Best , Web Hosting Services | Comments { 11 } Weave through the world of website hosting with our reviews of the top eight providers for small businesses. Hosting refers to where your site lives on the internet. You wouldn’t move house without checking the property was affordable , big enough for your family’s needs, and structurally sound – would you? Finding a hosting provider for your small business should be no different. If you run a small business, getting the best web hosting is very important. Pick a second-rate provider and it will affect everything. From your site speed, to your revenue. Worse still, if your website’s server goes down, you’re in big trouble. The latest stats show that server downtime costs an average of $7,908 per minute. Your small business hosting needs to be reliable: time is money, and you lose dol