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Volume XXIV | September 2018
Blog Highlights and News
One of the most helpful things you can do for your website visitor is to respect their time. Make sure your website is optimized for speed, and offers self-help or online support options.

Check below for tips on analyzing your web page load times, and what you can do to speed them up. Plus information on providing a help page to address the most common questions or issues about your company or products. If visitors do need to reach you, an online chat provides a fast, effective alternative to customer service phone numbers and help desk emails.

Be sure to visit the iPage blogs
 regularly for more small business advice, plus valuable tips and tricks for managing your website. We'd love your feedback - let us know what you think on Twitter, @iPage
4 Ways to Improve Your Website Speed

Visitors expect your website to load in less than 3 seconds. Any longer, and you could lose a customer to the competition. Improve the speed of your website by using these tips.

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5 Things Your Business Absolutely Needs on Its Help Page

No matter how intuitive your site navigation or how informative your web content is, your website visitors will have questions. Find out how to create a great help page so they can find the answers they need.

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Offering Live Chat? 3 Best Practices for Customer Service

Online chat is an easy way for customers or prospects to engage with you, wihout overextending your support agents. Here's what you need to get started.

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